
Ah, the joy of merging the toon-world and the 3-dimensional world! Bridging the gap of learning and literacy one ARTOON at a time. - TOONY
All anime shows are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime. Similarly, all artoons are cartoons, but not all cartoons are artoons.
Artoons are fictional characters designed as educational tools. They operate from tailored learning platforms meant to aid in financial literacy or other forms of essential enterprise learning and thus assist with implementation and real-world applications.

Question: What are Artoons?
Answer: "ARTOONS are characters designed with specific educational tasks in mind. They represent financial or other disciplines to increase intellectual awareness as animated ambassadors of their respective genres. Each carefully crafted figure embodies essential financial knowledge and values, making the profession of an ARTOONIST extensive and equally rewarding.
Those devoted to the field of education through distinctive, entertaining, and interactive creation are also research specialists, often referred to as educational engineers."
Question: What is the task of Artooning?
Answer: Eduactional technologists tasks derived by ARTOONS STUDIOS the Company and ARTOONS TM the Brand.
The engineering of an educational platform, courses, series, and execution path that holds the author accountable for data references while establishing unique character output and algorithmic performance through associated materials, games, apps, and fourms.
Question: What are Artoons Studios Collectables?
Answer: Artoons Studios Collectables are rare and valuable first series volumes of limited edition prints. All other Atoons Studios Media is paperless.
Question: Who can become an Artoons developer?
Answer: To become an Artoons developer, one must be proficient in Educational-Engineering, 2D Character Animation and design. The professional title for a person in this field is an Artoonist, which falls under educational and artistic engineering.
Question:What is the complete job description of an Artoonist?
Answer: Artoonists use distinctive artistic mythology to present 2D-Toons and animated characters as branded animations that interact with individuals as mentors, helping to increase their financial intellect, educational prowess, business ownership skills and implementation or other related diciplines.
Question: What is the salary of an Artoonist?
Answer: The average salary of an artoonist is 150k per year.
Why: Artoonists are engineers, artists, research specialists and coders all wrapped up in one. This allows the artoonist to become exceptionally compensated for being advanced creatives.
Question: Are experienced Artoonists paid the same as entry-level Artoonsits?
Answer: Experienced artoonists who have engineered a learning platform that grows in popularity may make upwards of 500k or more based on there sales and downloads. This amount will increase with sales and royalties. Individual games, and apps featured in printed material are sold seperatly. If you are interested in becoming an artoonist contact www.artoonsstudios.com/careers today.
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